This is a BETA service - your feedback will help us improve the service.

News and updates

Check for developments in the API service and for data revision info

We hope that SEPA's Time series API will be constantly evolving and that we should have new features to announce.
Keep abreast of these and of any revisions to the data by checking back here periodically.

Monday, 22 July 2024

Automatic QC has been restored

the failed automated quality control was restored within 24hrs

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Sunday, 21 July 2024

Recent data not QC'd

automatic QC of live data inoperative since Sunday 21st July

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Friday, 03 May 2024

The API leaving from platform 9...

SEPA Timeseries API changes cloud host

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Tuesday, 01 March 2022

Rating Reviews for the API

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Thursday, 03 February 2022

Time series API 'soft launch'

SEPA's time series API beta is available for initial testing

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