Return formats
- The format argument of a query specifies how the returned data are presented.
- By default, if format is unspecified the data are returned as html.
- Not all formats are available for all query functions.
N.B. The return timestamp formats are described elsewhere,Value,Quality Code&format=xlsx
Unfortunately, none of the formats are true tabular formats; ASCII, CSV, and XLSX are all structured the same as ZRXP, with headers between separate time series
Name | Format |
ascii | plain ASCII format, with headers commented with a # prefix |
csv | CSV table format, with headers commented with a # prefix. N.B. the default separator is a semicolon; this can be set to comma with &csvdiv=, |
dajson | optimised data array JSON format for timeseries values |
esrijson | (DEPRECATED) ESRI-like timeseries value JSON format |
geojson | official GEOJSON format |
html | HTML format |
jpg | JPEG format |
json | JSON format |
kml | Keyhole Markup Language by Google and OGC |
lpk | ESRI Layer Package format |
objson | JSON format to reflect object structure |
png | PNG format with lossless compression |
tabjson | JSON format to reflect table structure |
wml2 | WaterML2.0 timeseries value format |
xlsx | Excel 2007+ format with number and date cell types, with headers commented with a # prefix. N.B. due to cell formatting, production time quickly increases with the number of rows and columns, so this can be slow |
zrxp | KISTERS ZRXP format with basic content |