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Station queries

retrieve lists of stations and their associated metadata

These use cases relate to station information

Get a list of all Stations

Returns a list of all parameters at all stations including useful station metadata and custom attributes.,station_name,stationparameter_name,stationparameter_no,catchment_id,catchment_no,catchment_name,station_latitude,station_longitude,station_carteasting,station_cartnorthing,river_id,river_name,ca_sta&ca_sta_returnfields=CATCHMENT_SIZE,GAUGE_DATUM,GROUND_DATUM,GWREF_DATUM&object_type=General

Retrieve details for a specific station (or stations)

The station name is not case-sensitive and wildcards can be applied, so for the given request station_name=daldowie, or station_name=dald* would return the same record.

Default station information is returned by getStationList, or retrieve specific metadata by specifying the returnfields argument and its comma-separated list of desired fields.

Example : a single named station, specify the filter query argument station_name,station_no,station_name,stationparameter_name,stationparameter_no,catchment_id,catchment_no,catchment_name,station_latitude,station_longitude,station_carteasting,station_cartnorthing,river_id,river_name,ca_sta
N.B. when specifying returnfields, you need to specifically include all fields of interest.
By default, specifying ca_sta without the ca_sta_returnfields argument returns all custom attributes.
Example : for multiple stations, extend the station_name filter argument with a comma-separated list of stations,Dalbeattie,Kenmore,Halladale, Creed Bridge&returnfields=station_id,station_no,station_name,stationparameter_name,stationparameter_no,catchment_id,catchment_no,catchment_name,station_latitude,station_longitude,station_carteasting,station_cartnorthing,river_id,river_name,ca_sta&ca_sta_returnfields=hydrounit_name,CATCHMENT_SIZE,station_gauge_datum,SEPA_CEH_Number&flatten=true
N.B. the ca_sta_returnfields argument is used to request specific custom attribute return fields, and must be preceded by returnfields=ca_sta.
flatten=true compresses multiple values returned against a single field per station into a single string of concatenated values; for instance, where a station hosts three parameters (RE, SG, Q, say), rather than returning 1 line per parameter with all other fields repeated, a single line is returned with stationparameter_no entry as 'RE;SG;Q'.

Retrieve a list of all stations where river level is measured

We can retrieve list of all river level observation stations in at least two different ways - here we use getStationList and getTimeseriesList:

Example : with the getStationlist request, using the filter condition stationparameter_name=Level
Example : with the getTimeseriesList request, with filter arguments stationparameter_name and ts_name,station_no,stationparameter_name,stationparameter_no,ts_name,ts_id,coverage&dateformat=yyyy-MM-dd

The getTimeseriesList request has the advantage over the getStationList query that, using the coverage return field,  the start and end dates of the available data for each station can be retrieved alongside the other station information.

N.B. the dateformat argument to coverage

Omitting the stationparameter_name filter returns a list of all time series for all stations.

Return a list of Flow stations in a catchment area

Uses the filter catchment_name=Name&stationparameter_name=Flow,Esk%20(Dumfriesshire)&stationparameter_name=Flow&returnfields=station_no,station_name,stationparameter_name,stationparameter_no,catchment_id,catchment_no,catchment_name,station_latitude,station_longitude,ca_sta&ca_sta_returnfields=GAUGE_DATUM,GROUND_DATUM&object_type=General